Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring Cleaning for a Healthier You!

by Jennifer Antkowiak, Caregiver Coach & Advocate, Founder/CEO jennifer Cares

Spring is such a beautiful time of year---especially for caregivers.  The season represents renewal, re-growth, a reawakening.  The final gray days of winter have many of us longing for sunshine, green grass, and bright flowers.  When those rays of sun do come streaming through our windows, we smile, for a few minutes…until we see the dust glistening in the light…and we get the itch to clear things out and clean things up!
That’s a good thing, because spring cleaning is good for the brain! As we think of tidying up our homes, we should also be thinking of eliminating some of our burdens…the stress, worry, fear, guilt, regret, and anger that can come with being a caregiver. 
Think of how nice it is to look around a room in your home after it’s been cleaned and freshened.  Your body and brain will feel the same way when you focus on letting the negativity go, and replacing it with the hope and light that comes with spring.
Just like cleaning those windows, clearing your mind allows a path to let the sunshine in! Let the promise of brighter days be inspiration and motivation for you to re-evaluate your role as a caregiver, and re-commit to making your own care a priority. 
Take this time to regain control of the things you are able to manage.  Try not to spend time worrying about the things outside of that realm. Being a caregiver takes an enormous amount of energy! You don’t need to waste a drop on anything like that.
Maybe as part of your personal spring cleaning, you need to discover a way to find more time to reconnect with yourself, and spend some time doing the things you used to like to do (if you even remember what any of those things are).  Uppta (http://www.Uppta.com) is a great way to buddy up with someone who can help you streamline your caregiving role, fast.  It’s an organization of professionals that help carry some of your load, by being your advocate---helping you to navigate through the health care system itself, find helpful resources, consult for advice on important medical decisions, and more.  Uppta allows you to completely customize the kind, and amount of support you need.  Visit their website to find out more.
And while we’re talking about helpful web sites for caregivers, how long has it been since you’ve checked out sites for specific diseases/issues?  For example, the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, the American Diabetes Association, the American Alzheimer’s Association, and more all have amazing web sites, filled with helpful content, including sections geared specifically for family caregivers.  Spending some time there is empowering.   You’ve heard the phrase, “knowledge is power,” ---that’s especially true when it comes to being a caregiver! Knowing exactly what you’re dealing with and how to deal with it goes a very long way to chasing away fears, and building strength. 
Here are some other things you should be thinking about, which show that spring cleaning is good for your health!:

Spring Cleaning Burns Calories!:  De-cluttering can burn anywhere from 100-500 calories an hour! That activity also gets the blood flowing, and triggers the brain to release endorphins (feel good chemicals). 

Spring Cleaning Makes You Happy!:  Studies show that a dirty house contributes to depression.  Studies also show that caregivers are twice as likely to suffer from depression, so take advantage of an opportunity to create healthy, positive surroundings that will boost your mood.  After cleaning, treat yourself to a bouquet of flowers, or a new picture frame to display a favorite photo. Those new focal points will make you smile!

Spring Cleaning Calms You Down!:  Clutter is stressful! Clearing your space creates a more relaxing environment.  Don’t be surprised if you sleep better in a clean room.  Add some lavender essential oil spray to intensify the feeling. 
And finally, here are some nuts and bolts tips for taking advantage of spring cleaning, from a caregiver’s perspective:

Get into the medicine cabinet: Is anything expired? Are they stored in a cool dry place in their own containers? Do you have any questions about any of the medications?

Check the batteries:  Replace batteries, and test smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, security systems, medical appliances, and more, to make sure everything’s working properly.

Get a plan: Create or evaluate your family emergency plan.  If you need help, fast, who will you call?  Make sure emergency contacts are up to date and stored in your phones and computers.  Does everyone included in the plan have accurate contact info?
Don’t get overwhelmed thinking you have to tackle all of these items at once.  Chip away at a little bit at a time, it’ll get done! And, checking these items off your To Do List will make you feel better, and more in control fast.  That will give you the fuel you need to keep going.  The reward will be a stronger; more positive you to breathe, relax, smile, and enjoy that spring sunshine and flowers!

Jennifer Antkowiak is a caregiver coach/advocate, author, speaker, TV News Anchor, Zumba fitness instructor, mom of five, and entrepreneur.  Her personal caregiving experiences fuel her passionate mission to help caregivers keep themselves and those they love happy and healthy.  Visit Jennifer’s web sites:  http:/jenniferCares.com, http://CaregiverAtWork.com, and http://ZUMBAjen.com


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